More Atom and Ruby - Using ruby-test

I continue to try and get Atom setup in the most productive way - especially for Ruby programming. I continue to be impressed with the tool. For unit testing I favor MiniTest and I wanted a way to run tests from inside Atom without leaving the editor environment.

After trying out of a couple of packages I settled on ruby-test.


Installation of ruby-test is straightforward. I used the command line Atom install tool apm. The following worked for me :

apm install ruby-test

After installing the ruby-test package restart Atom by using atom from the command line and then configure the testing package by going to Atom/Preferences/Packages and then searching for ruby-test. You’ll want to set your “Test Framework” as explained in the configuration panel.

The tool worked seamlessly for me after doing this.


Install was straightforward and the tool within Atom worked seamlessly for me. My environment is :

  • OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite)
  • Atom 1.2.0
  • ruby-test 0.9.16

The tool pops up a panel when running tests and shows the MiniTest output just like you’d see from the command line. The panel has a close button (unlike some of the other unit test packages I tried out in Atom) so you can close the unit test info when you no longer need it or want additional screen real estate. The panel that pops up includes a link in the left hand corner to “Settings” that brings up you to the ruby-test Settings page.

I generally run a single test after I finish writing it by placing my cursor on the test and hitting command-control-R and then run all the tests in a Ruby test file by hitting command-control-T. Both of these approaches worked without issue.

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