Elixir/Phoenix Installing to Centos 6

I finally got to the point where I’ve developed something in Elixir and Phoenix that is actually useful for my company. Its a standard web site done in Phoenix. No fancy channel stuff for this. The problem I wanted to solve was to create a browser of internal relational database structures for our product. Stuff that just isn’t available through our UI but is always required by developers or operation folk when troubleshooting and involves fairly involved SQL. Instead of typing in lots and lots of different SQL you can now use this website and navigate to the problem through the links provided.

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Elixir/Ecto migrate and rollback

Defining my own database schema for a simple Phoenix/Elixir project to present a company dashboard. I started with the following objects that I wanted to store in the relational database :

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ElixirConf2016 and Ecto

Just got back from ElixirConf2016. It was an awesome experience even with how wet Disney World was from the side effects of Hurricane Hermine. Very interesting sessions and a lot of excitement. Also seemed like a really nice community. Lots of folks coming from Rails. A couple people from Java.

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Programming Elixir

For learning Elixir I started with the ubiquitous Dave Thomas and “Programming Elixir”. I’m bouncing back and forth between reading through that book and watching the ConFreaks videos of the last two year’s Elixir conferences (and thinking about whether I want to pay to go to this year’s conference which is in Orlando).

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