First thoughts on learning Clojure

I decided to spend some time learning Clojure. I figured I’d install and find some good doc or an online book to work with. The install itself was quite painless. The computer I’m using for this is a Macbook pro and I’ve got homebrew installed. You’ll need to install Java (which I already had) and then installing Clojure is just brew install clojure. After reading the docs one of the first things you’ll realize is that you need a tool called leiningen. Installing that is also just brew install leiningen. The online book I found is Clojure for the Brave and True. Its funny and well organized and seems up to date enough. I also signed up for an exercism account which has a Clojure track for algorithm practice once I get some actual chops with the language itself.

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Elixir and Reading Dynamo Streams

Finishing up this small project to read a DynamoDB stream with Elixir. The github repo for the project is: dynamo_streamer. This post will cover generating random data to insert into the table and reading from the stream associated with the table.

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Elixir, Reading Dynamo Streams (Part 3)

Just made a small change to this project today since I didn’t have a lot of time to work on it and got involved in looking at Clojure. The project now has some of the standard dependencies you regularly see in “real” Elixir project: excoveralls, dialyxer, credo, ex_doc. And I’ve refactored table.ex to be more general purpose and moved the creation of the actual test table for this project to user_activity.ex.

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And now Clojure....

It’s really easy to get distracted by a new thing in software development. There’s always some person or group that has developed something that really is objectively remarkable. So, if you are a curious software developer, how do you choose what it is you’d like to look at in more detail? Well there’s no one right answer to that. One interesting approach that I’ve heard about in conference talks and read about on the web is to develop your own personal tech radar. The first time I heard about this was from CloudWatch.

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Elixir, Reading Dynamo Streams and Layoffs

I was working remotely for Weedmaps up until recently writing Elixir with a group of really great coworkers. Unfortunately, Weedmaps laid off 25% of its workforce and I was let go, along with some other really great productive people - if you need devs, qa, project managers please ask me. I know a bunch that I really enjoyed working with. I figured while I search for a new position I’d use some of the time to blog a bit about Elixir. This will be a bit rambling since I’m writing in-between phone calls and interviews.

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